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Sunday, March 2, 2014

It’s not a perfect story…its just an allegory!

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UNBELIEVABLE: The bible myth is an allegory about fall and redemption. There was no actual fall. And there is no actual redemption. It’s a ALLEGORY that has made its proponents A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY!

The bible simply examines the imaginary possibility…what if there was a fall? If so, then there must have been some position to fall from…

So they suggest that the position was some sort of weird naked, captive “relationship” with an invisible prison guard, a spy…a phantom in the bushes…who catches those he creates to be his “friends”…but are really his victims…breaking one of his petty rules (“my garden, my rules” he likes to exclaim)…

It’s like he’d put a basket of mixed fruit on the patio table…and said his “friends” could eat anything they liked, other than fruit starting with the letter “B”…

Imagine their absolute surprise, when they reasoned that a tomato is a fruit starting with the letter “T”, and so ate a tomato…just to have their captor/”friend” go hysterical, because a tomato “is botanically a berry, a subset of fruit” and further, “that berry starts with the letter “B”, and it was a magical berry…so now I can kill you, but not just yet!” and throws them out…

Then he waits thousands of years and countless generations later, until he hatches a new plan, more diabolical than the last…

He’ll impregnate a young pubescent girl, and slaughter the resulting child…making believers pretend to eat his body and drink his blood…which will finally appease him for this monumental fruit “transgression”…

But only those that know about it, and say they “believe” it…

And here’s the catch…

He will do all this in the most obscure place on earth that he can find…at a time when no one on earth will be able to know for sure that it actually happened…and, in such a secret way…that not even one of his offspring’s illiterate “friends” will be present to witness the child’s resurrection from the dead…So that, believers in this tale must believe the conflicting written accounts documented by unknown people…that were not even present…written decades to hundreds of years later..and, such accounts will be written in a different language to that spoken by those who lived with his child at the time…and be written on media that will not survive decay or destruction…so that only conflicting copies of copies of copies will be available for later examination and study…and be promoted by a new institutionalized religion adopted by people other than the people the child was born into…such organization to be based on religious reasoning documented by a murderer of the followers of his child…who never even knew his child…and who’s writings overshadow the writings of those outlining the deeds of his child…and that new religious institution will act in the exact opposite way outlined by his child…amassing opulence, palaces, art and trinkets…fleecing the flock…spreading confusion and oppression…especially to women and minorities…and covering for those in their midst that sexually molest children…

It’s not a perfect story…its just an allegory!

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