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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ignorance is Bliss

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1. Ignorance is bliss:…or…give a believer a bible, and convince them that it contains everything they will ever need to know…and still they won’t study to understand it for themselves…but will instead believe that they will only ever need to do one thing…say sorry in their mind, and any wrongs they have everperpetrated against anyone, is instantly expunged… Rape… Molestation… Murder… Theft…Genocide…Bombing civilians…

2. A Little knowledge…is a dangerous thing: …or…give a believer a bible, and convince them that it contains everything they will ever need to know…and still they won’t study to understand all the mistakes and contradictions in it, for themselves…but will instead read a bunch of books by the religious, extolling it…and still believe that they will only ever need to do one thing…say sorry in their mind, and any wrongs they have ever perpetrated against anyone, is instantly expunged… Rape… Molestation… Murder… Theft… Genocide… Bombing civilians… And also, that god will destroy the earth any day now, so, why worry…exploit and pollute it…

3. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing… So is a lot.” (‘A-bomb’ Albert Einstein): Vital too, are experience and wisdom… “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”(Albert Einstein)…

It is possible to have knowledge without wisdom…but it is not possible to have extensive wisdom without extensive knowledge (The religious purport to exercise wisdom without knowledge, claiming they are inspired by the all-knowing divine…but in practice, results amount to little more than blindly guessing…with successes loudly broadcast as testimonies…and dismal failures swept under the carpet…isn’t that right fundamentalist god-guided Republican Presidential nominees…?)

When immersed in extensive knowledge, on a wide range of disciplines…it is virtually impossible to maintain belief in the literalness of religious fables about god…without significant vested interests…

" Most scientists are, in fact, not religious. And the percent of “leading” scientists who hold religious beliefs has been declining from around 30% in 1914 to less than 10% in

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